AI For Good: Entering An Exciting New Era
Let’s face it: AI can be scary. Doomsday thoughts of The Terminator and end-of-humanity robot uprisings are often associated with progressions in AI technology for those without a solid understanding of how machine learning works, and algorithm biases and problematic responses might cause even the fiercest supporters of AI to hesitate. How do we put our faith in technology that has proven to backfire? What if we create something we can’t control? The good news is that the robot apocalypse isn’t coming. Not anytime soon, at least. In fact, while it’s easy to focus on the negative aspects of AI, it has allowed us as a society to surpass even our own expectations for technological development. There are countless ways AI benefits us in our everyday lives, from giving us directions to get to work to writing down our shopping lists as we speak them aloud. AI can recommend playlists for our morning routines and show us the funniest TikToks for us to send to our friends. And on top of the sm...